Our services conform to the standards and guidelines as provided by the Division of Developmental Disability.

Community Based Support
Our qualified staff provides support to individuals in their respective community activities. We ensure safety and realization of individual’s participation in their communities.
Individual Support
Discover the strength of our Support care staff that provides support to individuals with developmental
disabilities. Our qualified staff provides guidance, assistance, companionship and desired direction of a
quality care towards their life course.

Occupational Therapy
We ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities are provided with necessary rehabilitative or habilitative services that is appropriate to their scope of service.

Physical Therapy
Our skilled therapists will guide and empower
individuals with developmental disabilities toward
strength, mobility, and a life of vitality. The individual
will experience a healthier and more active service
plan for their well-being.

Respite Care
We give you relief and support. Being compassionate
in our care, we ensure that people with developmental disabilities are served right and are safe in and within their environment.
Speech, Language
& Hearing Therapy
We have qualified and exceptional therapists who
provide direction and guidance to support the care of
individuals with developmental disabilities as prescribed by the appropriate healthcare professional.